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UFC settles antitrust lawsuits, agrees to pay $335 million

The UFC has reached a settlement agreement for two antitrust lawsuits, preventing them from proceeding to trial.

On Wednesday, TKO Group Holdings — the parent company to the UFC — filed a disclosure with the Securities and Exchange Commission revealing that the organization had settled with the aggrieved parties in two separate lawsuits, with the company agreeing to pay out $335 million.

UFC Antitrust Suit

The settlement was reached this past Wednesday, according to the filing. The statement issued to the SEC is listed below.

“On March 13, 2024, TKO reached an agreement to settle all claims asserted in both class action lawsuits ([Cung] Le and [Kajan] Johnson) for an aggregate amount of $335 million payable by the Company and its subsidiaries in installments over an agreed-upon period of time.